What Is Processed Food And Why Is It Bad?

What Is Processed Food

American diets have been almost completely taken over by processed and packaged foods.

Unfortunately, almost all processed foods are packed with salts, factory-created fats, and chemicals to alter textures, sweeteners, artificial flavors, colorings and preservatives.

The trouble, however, is not only what has been added to these products, but also what has been taken out of them. Often processed foods are stripped of nutrients, which naturally protect your heart, for example, antioxidants, soluble fiber, and healthy fats. With all that combined with additives, you have a recipe for complete disaster.

What Is The Definition of Processed Food?

What defines processed food can vary slightly. However, it typically refers to foods that have been packaged in bags, cans or boxes. These foods must be extensively processed to ensure they are edible. On top of going through a variety of complex processing steps, often processed foods also contain artificial flavorings, additives and other chemical ingredients.

It is best to avoid processed foods and have a diet that is based on whole foods that provide you with the highest levels of nutrition to maximize your health.

So, What Is Considered Processed Food?

By looking over the list of ingredients you can quickly determine whether or not a food is processed. The longer the list of ingredients, the more likely the food is processed.

You can usually find processed food in your grocery store´s center aisles and they will probably contain ingredients that you would normally not have in your kitchen and not recognize most of the ingredients. Avoid food that you would not be able to make or produce in your own home.

Opt for foods that are natural and unprocessed, most of these would be found in the periphery of a grocery store. For example fruits, vegetables, meat, eggs and other foods that contain a single ingredient.

What are the Health Risks of Processed Foods?

There are so many disadvantages of eating processed foods. Here are the four main ingredients found in processed foods, the ones that you really need to be aware of (1):

Trans Fats

You can find Trans fats in crispy crackers and moist bakery muffins, fast food French fries and microwave popcorn, even in the stick of margarine, that you may have opted for as your healthy heart alternative to butter, that is packed with saturated fat.

what is a processed food

Once believed to be a heart friendly and inexpensive replacement for lard, coconut oil and butter, a nutrition expert from Harvard has denounced Trans fats as being “the largest disaster of food processing in the history of the U.S.” But why? Research has now proven that when compared to saturated fats, Trans fats are actually twice as dangerous for your heart, and on a yearly basis, they are responsible for around thirty thousand to one hundred thousand deaths due to premature heart diseases.

Due to the fact your levels of “good” HDL cholesterol are decreased and levels of “bad” cholesterol are increased with trans fats, which makes them worse for you heart than any saturated fats. This spells double trouble for the arteries. Trans fats, unlike saturated fats also resist the levels of lipoproteins triglycerides which can clog the arteries.

Look over the list of ingredients for any of the following words; “fractionated,” “partially hydrogenated,” or “hydrogenated,” fats that are fully hydrogenated are not a threat to the heart. However, many trans fats are mislabeled and state “hydrogenated.” The higher up on the list of ingredients that the phrase “partially hydrogenated oil” is the higher the amount of Trans fats are contained by the product.

Your heart attack risk could be cut by a significant fifty three percent by replacing Trans fats with healthy fats.

Refined Grains

Opting for refined grains, such as rolls, white rice, white bread low-fiber sugary cereals or white pasta, over whole grains can increase your risk of heart attack by as much as thirty percent.

It is important to be a savvy shopper. Do not let deceptive label claims stating things like “seven grain,” or “made with flour” fool you. Do not be tricked into purchasing white bread that are colored brown with molasses or topped with a sprinkling of oats.

Most of the time these are the exact same old refined product which raises your risk for high blood pressure, high cholesterol, insulin resistance, heart attacks, belly fat and diabetes.

There have been at least seven major studies that show that men and women who consume more whole grains, which includes whole grain breakfast cereals, cooked oatmeal, bran, dark bread, popcorn, brown rice and other grains, such as kasha or bulgur, have twenty to thirty percent less heart disease. A complete contrast is those who prefer refined grains that have more insulin resistance, heart attacks and high blood pressure.


Three quarters of the sodium that we consume does not originate from the saltshaker. It comes from processed foods such as canned soups and vegetables, fast food burgers and of course fries, condiments in Worcestershire sauce and soy sauce, and preserved and cured meats such as ham, bacon and deli turkey.

There is some sodium that naturally occurs in some edibles that are unprocessed, which includes celery, beets, milk and even some drinking waters. This, however, is a good thing: sodium is a necessary part of life. It helps to maintain the body’s fluid balance, makes muscles such as the heart contract, helps regulate blood pressure, transmits nerve impulses and helps to keep the senses of smell, taste and touch properly functioning. Every day you need a little bit to replace what is lost to tears, sweat and other excretions.

What will happen when you consume more salt than is needed by the body? Simply to dilute the extra sodium coursing through your blood, your body starts retaining fluid, this raises your blood volume and forces your heart to work harder all the while causing the veins and arteries to constrict. This combination raises the blood pressure levels.

Your daily intake of sodium should be no more than 1,500 milligrams, this amount is found in around ¾ of a teaspoon of salt. By the way, table salt is sixty percent chloride and forty percent sodium. Those who are older should consume even less as a way of countering the natural rise in blood pressure associated with age. For those over fifty should try not to pass 1,300 milligrams and for those over seventy should aim for only 1,200 milligrams.

The real sodium count can only be provided by the “Nutrition Facts” panel found on food packaging. Never believe a package that claims to be “sodium-free,” as the food may still contain five milligrams per serving. Also “reduced sodium,” as all this means is that it contains twenty-five percent less than usual, or “light in sodium,” as all this means it’s that it contains half of the amount you would usually find.

Too Much Sugar Or The Deadly Alternative of High-Fructose Corn Syrup

Usually, processed foods will be loaded with extra sugar, or sugar´s evil twin, high fructose corn syrup. It is well known that when consumed excessively, sugar can be seriously harmful. We are all also aware that Sugar is an empty calorie, meaning that it provides energy yet no essential nutrients.

However, when it comes to the harmful effects of sugar, calories are really only the tip of the iceberg. Research has shown that devastating effects on the metabolism, which far surpass calorie content, are caused by sugar.

Sugar can lead to high triglycerides, higher levels of fat accumulation in the abdominal cavity and the liver, insulin resistance and increased levels of the “bad” cholesterol. Some of the world’s leading killers are associated with sugar consumptions, these include diabetes, obesity, heart disease and cancer.

High fructose corn syrup, when compared to traditional sweeteners is less expensive to make, mixes more easily with various ingredients and is sweeter to the taste. Nowadays, almost sixty-three pounds of this is consumed per person in sweets and drinks, as well as in many other products. Many frozen foods contain high fructose corn syrup, it provides bread with that soft texture and inviting brown color and therefore found in hamburger buns, whole-wheat bread and English muffins. It is also found in bacon, soft drinks, beer, spaghetti sauce, and even ketchup, the list just goes on.

Research has more recently started to suggest that this liquid sweetener could have an effect on the body’s metabolism, raising the risk for diabetes and heart disease. Research has found that the chemical structure in high fructose corn syrup encourages overeating. It also seems to cause the liver to pump more triglycerides into the bloodstream, which is threatening for the heart. On top of that, your body’s mineral chromium reserves are crucial for healthy levels if insulin, cholesterol and blood sugar, which could significantly be altered by fructose.

The way you can spot fructose on a food label is by looking for the words “corn syrup,” “corn syrup solids,” “corn sweetener,” or “high-fructose corn syrup.”

What Are Processed Foods List

Processed foods are more than ready meals such and microwave meals. Any food which has, in some way or another, been altered from its original state is considered a processed food. This could have been done for purposes of convenience or for safety reasons.

What this means is that you have probably been eating more processed foods than you realize. However, processed foods are not all necessarily unhealthy. However, anything that has gone through processing would typically contain extra fat, sugar and salt.

One advantage of cooking from scratch at home is that you are aware of everything that will go into your food, this includes how much sugar or salt you have added. That being said, sometimes even homemade foods use processed ingredients.

Here are some examples of foods that are commonly processed (2):

  • Bread
  • Canned vegetables
  • Cheese
  • Breakfast cereals
  • Bacon and other meat products
  • Crisps and other savory snacks
  • Beverages such as soft drinks and milk
  • Ready meals, microwave meals and convenience food in general

What Is Non Processed Food?

Any food that has not been altered and is still in its natural state is considered a non-processed food. The perfect example of foods that are not processed would be fresh vegetables and fruits. There are also some foods that are more processed than others.

Fresh vegetables and fruits are foods that have not been processed, as they’ve just been picked, washed and are ready to eat. Try to avoid canned vegetables as they have typically been processed.

Avoid Processed Foods And Only Eat Real Natural Produce

When real, traditional foods such as meat, butter and vegetables are replaced with processed, crappy junk foods, we strong chance that we will put on weight and get ill.

The key to good health is real food, not processed foods.

The post What Is Processed Food And Why Is It Bad? appeared first on http://www.TheDietSupplement.com

What Percent of Calories Should Come From Fat?

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When you’re on a diet, you know that counting calories and figuring out nutritional percentages is the best way to be sure you’re able to lose the weight you need.

One of those critical calculations is determining the percentage of your calories that should come from fat. Finding that proper balance will help the inches slide off so that you can have the body you’ve always wanted.

What Is the Meaning of Calories From Fat?

Before you start calculating the food you should and shouldn’t be eating, you need to understand the meaning behind the question.

What Is the Meaning of Calories From Fat

What does “calories from fat” really mean? In short, calories from fat are the number of calories in a particular meal that come directly from fat. That is, these calories are the ones that don’t come from protein or carbohydrates, but from the fatty part of the meal.

This is a relatively critical measurement: the more calories you consume from fat, the more likely you are to gain weight compared to someone of a similar height and weight who gets the majority of their calories from other sources.

Calories that come from trans fats are even more dangerous. If you consume a diet high in trans fats, you may gain a much larger percentage of your body weight than someone who is sticking to a low fat diet.

How Many Calories Should Really Come From Fat?

What Percent of Calories Should Come From Fat

The general recommendation is that 20 to 35 percent of your total calories should come from fat, rather than from other sources.

The prevalence of low-carb diets seems to support these recommendations, while low-fat diets often fail to account for an individual’s actual dietary needs.

Choosing healthy fats like coconut oil and avocado is one of the best ways to ensure that your body is properly fueled throughout any diet.

What Foods Are High in Calories But Low in Fat?

Whether you’re trying to make up a calorie deficit from exercise or trying to avoid high-calorie foods that will cause you to gain weight in spite of the fact that they’re healthy, it’s important to know what foods fall into this category.

There are plenty of high-calorie foods that are good for you: avocados, peanut butter, nuts, and bananas, for example. These foods are great for your body, but can pack on the calories fast! If you’re looking for foods that are high in calories but low in fat, these favorites make the list:

  • Cooked pasta, which is very low in fat but lets the calories and carbohydrates add up quickly, is a favorite low-fat food.
  • Potatoes contain an average of 300 calories per potato but only 1 gram of fat.
  • Fruit juices in general tend to be extremely high-calorie with little to no fat.
  • Many dairy products, especially those that are marketed as being low fat, don’t have a high fat percentage. They may, however, have a high calorie count. This includes yogurt, especially Greek yogurt, cheeses, and milk.
  • Beans and lentils are traditionally low in fat, but they do have a high number of calories in a standard sized serving.
  • Some vegetables, including sweet potatoes and corn, pack a high calorie count but a relatively low amount of fat.

Understanding the balance of fats in your diet is critical to developing a solid understanding of good diet practices.

When you can identify these high-calorie foods, you can either add them into your diet so that you have enough calories in your day or make sure to avoid them on days when you need to eat a little lighter.

What Matters Most

Ideally, you need to focus more on the total number of calories you’ve consumed than you do on where the calories are coming from.

What Percentage of Calories Come From Fat?

You want to be sure that your calories burnt each day exceed the number of calories that you’re taking in, regardless of where those calories come from.

Healthy foods, however, will provide better fuel for your body and prepare you better for your day.

Incorporating exercise into your daily routine and eating a low-fat diet will help you shrink your waistline over time, allowing you to enjoy the body you desire.

Learning to balance the number of calories in your diet coming from fats is one of the best ways to control your diet appropriately.

By ensuring that your fats come from healthy sources, you can make better choices that will enable you to create a healthier overall lifestyle.

The post What Percent of Calories Should Come From Fat? appeared first on http://www.TheDietSupplement.com

Is Seaweed Good For You And Your Health?

is seaweed good for you

Is eating seaweed good for you and your health and why is this? This may seem like a silly question for most people, but it is not a silly question for anyone who lives in Asia.

People from Asia have been eating seaweed and related products for years because they understand how beneficial seaweed is for your health.

Seaweed is also very common in many of the Japanese dishes including popular sushi. Seaweed is a healthy food because it is rich in iron that helps to promote cell production.

In Asia, you will find delicious tasting seaweed in a variety of products such as potato chips, noodles, and crackers. It is also available in square sheets which can be broken up and used for a variety of recipes.

One of the keys when consuming seaweed is to do so in moderation. True, seaweed does have many minerals and vitamins, but it also has the potential to cause problems if consumed in excess. This is because seaweed contains a large amount of iodine and sodium.

One cup of seaweed that has been dried will contain 51 calories and 0 g of fat, along with containing 312 mg of sodium for each serving. Anyone who has heart disease or hypertension will have to limit their sodium intake and therefore their seaweed consumption.

How Good Is Seaweed For you?

Watch this interview by Expresso talking about the how good seaweed is for you, your body and your overall health:

Looking At The Seaweed Benefits For Your Health

Why is seaweed good for you? There are many potential health benefits to eating seaweed, and while the exact degree and number of benefits can vary based on a wide array of factors (including the specific type), however, the overall seaweed health benefits shared across types are too common and too good to ignore.

Seaweed offers a surprisingly rich vitamin and packed mineral treat. Just on the short list:

Most seaweed is high in

  • Calcium
  • Protein
  • Natural iodine
  • Iron
  • Magnesium
  • Vitamin C and more!

In addition to this, seaweed is loaded with antioxidants and positive nutrients for the body that have been identified as healthy for your thyroid, anti-viral, anti-bacterial, and are anti-inflammatory in nature.

That’s a ton of healthy benefits that all come from this one simple green seaweed. It is also a major part of the reason that many Asian coastal diets are so healthy. Seaweed combined with good fish makes for an incredibly healthy food combination.

Seaweed is good for the heart, the mind, the blood, and the body. That is an outstanding combination that is extremely hard to find with any type of food or combination of foods. Seaweed health benefits are truly undeniable and deserve the attention they get.

What Are The Health Benefits Of Eating Seaweed

Seaweed might look like something that is unappealing to eat. However, it is one of natures most powerful and healthy super foods. This dense dark green vegetable has numerous nutrients and packs a punch when it comes to providing your body with all kinds of essential vitamins and minerals. In this article, we will be going over some of the different benefits of eating seaweed.

What is seaweed good for?

1. Essential Nutrients.

The main benefit that you should be able to get from eating this healthy plant is the ability to get a good amount of essential nutrients into your diet without having to eat a lot. Because it packs so many different essential nutrients, you will be provided with the essential daily dosage of a lot of nutrients such as iodine, calcium, and more. In fact, seaweed actually contains more calcium than broccoli which packs a lot for it’s size.

2. Fiber

Another benefit that you are going to get with seaweed is the ability to pack more dietary fiber into your diet which can lead to better overall digestive system function. In fact, it has enough fiber that it can reduce your fat digestion by over 75%.

What Is Edible Seaweed Like?

Seaweed that is edible comes from algae and is used in the preparation of many types of food such as sushi, chips, crackers, and noodles. What is edible seaweed is a question that many ask because they are unfamiliar with using seaweed as a food product. However, Seaweed is a great food product because it contains all the many health benefit, including iron, fiber, and a complete protein.

Seaweeds is cultivated or harvested for the extraction of agar, carrageenan, alginate and gelatinous substances which is known as phycocolloids or hydrocolloids.

Hydrocolloids have recently become quite popular in the food industry as a food additive. It is interesting to note that most freshwater algae are toxic, whereas marine ocean water produces edible seaweed. There are some seaweeds that will produce an irritation in the digestive canal because of existing acid content, whereas there are other seaweeds that produce an electrolyte balancing effect.

If you have ever visited a western Chinese restaurant you may have noticed a dish called Crispy Seaweed. This Chinese dish is not seaweed but is in fact a cabbage that has been slowly dried and then fried. Seaweed is an integral part of the diet for people who live in Korea, China, and Japan.

Important Benefits Of Taking Seaweed Extract

How is seaweed good for you? As seaweed is so full of nutrients and very little fat, it is a great supplement to your diet to help you lose weight. There are many benefits to taking it. Here are just four:

Seaweed Extract For Weight Loss

Numerous studies from around the world keep proving the weight loss benefits of seaweed, primarily due to the fat-blocking properties it contains, it does more than that though. Seaweed takes a long time to be processed by the digestive system; hence, it keeps you feeling as if you just ate.

As A Nutritional Supplement

There are many nutritional benefits of seaweed, from boosting your immune system to balancing your metabolic system. It’s the easiest way to greater health that I’ve found yet.

In Case You Need More Energy

Who doesn’t need more energy? I certainly did, and I have to credit my weight loss (which I mainly attribute to the extract supplements) to having more energy.

If You Have Thyroid Issues

I found about seaweed extract while discussing an ongoing thyroid issue with a few friends, one of whom suggested seaweed as a possible health aid. I checked with my doctor and lo and behold – she agreed that the seaweed would be good for my thyroid!

There’s no harm in trying it, but you have much to gain. Look for an all-natural extract and you’ll find many important and helpful uses for it.

The post Is Seaweed Good For You And Your Health? appeared first on http://www.TheDietSupplement.com

Corn On The Cob Calories – Will It Help You Lose Weight

corn on the cob calories

Corn is a whole-grain product, so you can include it in a healthy diet. And the Whole Grains Council points to research revealing that corn has more anti-oxidants than any other grain.

Corn is a low-fat complex carbohydrate that deserves a regular place on any healthy table. Due to the fact that corn is hearty and gratifying, it can curb your hunger.

Sweet corn is one of summertime’s most basic, purest enjoyments. A fresh-picked ear, grilled to caramelized perfection and lightly buttered, provides amazing, complicated sweetness, an envigorating texture and lots of nutrition advantages to boot.

But many individuals have actually encouraged themselves that sweet corn is bad. That’s a shame. It’s easy to take a couple of real nuggets of fact and use them to come to a distorted conclusion about this super-delicious summer season veggie.

Consuming an ear of corn is usually an all-or-none venture: Many people with a full cob of corn on their plate eat the whole thing, which indicates it’s hard to control your serving size. If you’re following a strict diet plan, every calorie counts. The method to manage the portion is to select a small ear of corn.

Since a little ear of corn just has 85 calories, eating a whole cob won’t destroy your diet. A little ear of boiled, yellow corn is about 5.5 to 6.5 inches long. A medium-sized ear of yellow corn increases to 99 calories, while a large ear has 113 calories.

Corn’s natural sweet taste makes corn taste like it’s high in calories, however you can easily fit an ear of corn into your daily diet plan. The natural sugars start to turn into starch as quickly as the corn is chosen, which affects the taste but not the calories.

Corn’s natural sweet taste makes corn taste like it’s high in calories, but you can quickly fit an ear of corn into your daily diet plan.

The post Corn On The Cob Calories – Will It Help You Lose Weight appeared first on The Diet Supplement.

Our 100% Acai Berry Pure Review – Why This Product Works And Is Healthy For Your Body

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With countless acai berry products on the market it can be difficult and confusing to choose the right one for you. With retailers of the berry all boasting miraculous weight loss and detoxing benefits, how do you decide which one to trust, and which product to buy?

Acai Berry Pure

After some research, I opted for 100% Acai Berry Pure from Evolution Slimming. Unlike the other acai products I had found online, each Acai Berry Pure capsule contains 700mg of 100% organic freeze-dried acai berry powder — no fillers or stimulants.

Acai Berry Pure is marketed as an antioxidant supplement rather than a weight loss pill, and as such is suitable for anyone looking to improve his or her health.

What is Acai?

Most of us have only recently heard about acai berries and their miraculous properties, but the berries have been enjoyed by Amazonian tribes for hundreds, if not thousands, of years.

In fact, acai berries made up a big part of the tribes’ staple diet due to their nutrient density.

More recently, these small purple berries have enjoyed much publicity for their alleged health benefits and potential weight loss effects. Let’s explore the claims.


Its no secret antioxidants are indispensible for good health. They have been shown to protect the cells against free radicals and aging, boost the immune system and protect against certain cancers. Acai berries have powerful antioxidant properties, about 20 times stronger than the humble blueberry!

Acai’s vibrant purple colour is due to a high concentration of anthocyanins — antioxidant pigments found in fruit and vegetables. These pigments have been proven scientifically to lower cholesterol in the blood[1], reduce the risk of cancer, and improve memory[2]. A study carried out in 2008 and published in the Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry found that anthocyanins could also play an important role in weight management[3].

This is an impressive list of claims, but how do these translate in real time? After hearing and reading about acai berries’ benefits for health and weight loss, I wanted to experience these powerful properties for myself. Does the acai berry live up to the hype?

Choose Your Product Wisely

And make no mistake, there is a LOT of hype online.

Some acai berry product retailers will have you believe that their formula will deliver miraculous weight loss and surges of energy the likes of which you’ve never experienced before, all without changing your diet and exercise habits.

As with any advertising, beware of claims that sound too good to be true — they usually are!

Read the ingredient label carefully: some of the weight loss pills on offer contain very little acai berry and plenty of stimulants such as caffeine.

In addition, some acai berry supplements contain inactive ingredients or fillers, such as starch, soya bean oil and soya lecithin, which have no positive effect on either health or weight loss.

Acai Berry Pure is 100% pure berry powder, with no stimulants or fillers—making this product a cut above the rest.

My Acai Berry Pure Experience

No one wants to wait around four weeks for delivery, especially if you’re excited about trying out a new product. Thankfully I didn’t have to wait long at all: two days after ordering, I received a one-month supply of Acai Berry Pure.

My first impressions were positive: discreet packaging, clear and unpretentious labelling, some free Acai Berry Patch samples and a 10%-off voucher for my next order.

I have been taking the recommended dose, two capsules a day, half an hour before a meal, for three weeks now.

The most important change I have noticed is a marked increase in my energy levels. I no longer struggle to get out of bed in the morning, or suffer from that mid-afternoon slump that usually leads me to grab a snack or cup of coffee to stay alert.

Instead I wake feeling fresh, and my energy levels are constant throughout the day.

My workouts have benefited from this boost and I’ve felt able to exercise longer than I used to. I’ve also noticed a slight decrease in my overall appetite, which has helped me to cut down on snacking.

Acai Berry Pure has also improved the condition of my skin: the spot outbreaks I occasionally suffer from have not made an appearance, and overall my skin appears clearer, smoother and more radiant.

Although Acai Berry Pure isn’t marketed as a weight loss product, I have so far lost 4 pounds. This could be due to the extra exercising I’ve been doing thanks to the supplement’s energy boosting properties, though the berry’s anthocyanin content may also have played a part. Another factor may be that I’ve been snacking less since starting to take Acai Berry Pure.


  • 100% acai berry powder, no added fillers or stimulants.
  • Unlike other weight loss pills, there were no stimulant related side effects such as insomnia or jitteriness. On the occasions I took my second capsule in the evening instead of at lunch, I didn’t have any trouble sleeping.
  • Increased energy levels.
  • Improved skin condition.
  • Better appetite control.


  • I found the capsules a bit of a challenge to take at first because they’re quite big. That said, I soon got used to them and have no trouble taking them now.

What Do Other Reviewers Say?

Acai Berry Pure supplements were reviewed and endorsed by the editor of the Sunday Express magazine “S”, Victoria Gray, in 2010. Victoria took the supplements for three months, without dieting or exercise, and saw impressive results: her skin became clearer, her hair became shinier, and after three months she had lost seven pounds.[4]

A search through other reviews on Amazon brought up a mixed bag of results: some people were ecstatic with the product and others were underwhelmed. Overall the positive reviews outnumbered the negative ones, with the general message being that for best results you should take the supplements regularly for one to three months.

Acai Berry Pure – Does it live up to the hype?

If you’re looking for an energy-boosting supplement that doesn’t contain stimulants, fillers and other additives, then Acai Berry Pure is for you.

This powerful supplement is packed full of antioxidants and vitamins to provide increased energy levels, better appetite control, clearer skin and improved sleep.

Acai Berry Pure is 700mg of Pure Organic Freeze Dried Acai Berry with a vegetarian friendly capsule shell with no added unnecessary additional ingredients, stimulants or fillers, such as caffeine.

Available from Evolution Slimming, a UK based company shipped worldwide, whose products are covered by Trusted Shops Buyer Protection and a 30-day Money Back Promise.

You can expect your products to be delivered in plain and discreet packaging within three days of ordering. Their sales team are very helpful and all queries are answered quickly.

The post Our 100% Acai Berry Pure Review – Why This Product Works And Is Healthy For Your Body appeared first on The Diet Supplement.

Can Saffron Extract Spice Up Your Health And Help You Lose Weight?

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Saffron has been a coveted spice for its color, flavor, and medicinal properties for over 3,500 years[i]. It only takes one grain to color 45 liters of water a golden yellow, and it was also used to dye the bright orange robes worn by Buddhist priests in India.

A pinch of saffron added to risotto or paella enlivens the flavor of these traditional dishes. Saffron was closely studied by Hippocrates, and widely used for its anti-depressant, anti-oxidant and digestive benefits. But could this ancient spice also help with weight-loss?

A Luxurious Spice

Saffron is made from the flower of the Crocus sativus plant, and grows in warm humid climates like India and the Middle East. Each lavender colored crocus flower contains three saffron stigmas, which are dried to make the spice. The flowers all bloom at once in the autumn, over a period of two or three weeks.

This luxurious spice is harvested by hand, as in ancient times, and growers must work long hours to pick all the flowers before they wilt. It takes over 75,000 stigmas to make 500g of spice, which explains why saffron is so expensive and can retail for over £2,000 per kilo! Thankfully, you only need to use a few milligrams of this luxurious spice to feel its benefits.

Saffron For Weight Loss

Saffron was first cultivated in Greece[ii], and used to treat colds, coughs, insomnia, flatulence and heart trouble. More recently, studies have shown that saffron also has potential as a weight loss aid.

In 2010, Nutrition Research (New York) studied the effect of saffron on weight. A group of overweight women were given a supplement containing this extract, while other groups received a placebo. The group that took the saffron extract reduced their snacking by 55%, reported higher levels of satiety and lost more weight than the group that had taken the placebo[iii].

The Happy Spice

There’s an undeniable link between eating and emotions. Most of us have experienced comfort eating, reaching for those biscuits after a difficult meeting at work, or that slice of cake after a stressful day. Feeling low, stressed or anxious can make it much harder to stick to a healthy eating plan, especially if you’re just starting out on your weight loss journey. But saffron can help:


The decrease in snacking seen in the study mentioned above could be due to saffron’s anti-depressant properties. Numerous studies have shown that supplementing 30mg of saffron a day is as effective as taking anti-depressant medication like fluoxetine[iv], without the negative side effects associated with prescription drugs. That said, saffron could be toxic if you take too much (see How to take saffron below).


The soothing benefits can even be felt without ingesting it. The smell alone has been shown to reduce anxiety, by lowering the body’s levels of cortisol[v]. Just twenty minutes exposure to saffron’s fragrance can help you feel calmer, more peaceful and in control.

Pre-Menstrual Syndrome

If you suffer from symptoms of pre-menstrual syndrome, you may want to give saffron a try. A recent study showed that 15mg, twice a day reduces physical and emotional symptoms of PMS, such as cramps, headaches, bloating, irritability, mood-swings and food cravings, by 50%[vi].

Anti-Oxidant Power

But that’s not all – saffron contains the compounds crocin, crocetin, carotene and lycopene, which are known to have anti-tumor[vii] and anti-oxidant properties[viii].

Anti-oxidants are vital for good health, because they protect the body’s cells from damage caused by free radicals such as environmental pollution and processed foods. They strengthen the immune system and also help combat certain cancers. Including fresh fruits and vegetables in your diet is the best way of ensuring you get plenty of anti-oxidants and enjoy all of their health boosting properties.

How To Take Saffron

For regular supplementation, it is advised not to exceed 30mg per day. Evidence suggests taking double that dose, 60mg a day, can become toxic to the body after eight weeks of continuous usage. There are many supplements that boast very high saffron content, some up to 177mg per dose, and these should not be taken for long periods of time. High doses of saffron (1,200mg) can cause nausea and vomiting[ix].

As A Spice

Saffron is a delicious spice; it adds subtle earthy undertones to food. Adding a tiny sprinkle to your cooking will enhance the flavor of your dishes, give your mood a lift and help you to lose weight.

As A Supplement

If you’re not keen on the taste, or prefer a more standardized way of taking this healthy spice, you can also include it in your diet as a supplement. Aim to buy from a reputable manufacturer, and focus on the supplements that contain active ingredients and a safe amount of saffron extract.

Spice Up Your Diet

Saffron is indeed a splendid spice. Not only does it enliven the flavor of food and dye clothes vivid hues of yellow and orange, it boosts the immune system and brightens mood. Supplementing saffron as part of a healthy diet can help you to feel happier, cut down on snacking and lose weight.

Notice – It is advisable to seek the advice of a doctor before starting any supplementation, especially if you are pregnant or breastfeeding, suffer from a medical condition or take any medication.

Note – It is advisable to seek the advice of a doctor before starting any supplementation, especially if you are pregnant or breastfeeding, suffer from a medical condition or take any medication.​

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Need A Little Boost To Get You Going? Consider Using Caffeine Pills To Aid Your Weight Loss

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Losing weight takes a lot of hard work and effort. You have to change the way you eat and the way you exercise.

You have to limit the amount you eat and focus on adding healthy foods to your diet. If you really want to lose weight, you also need to incorporate exercise into your daily routine if you are not already.

A combination of cardio and strength building exercises is the best weight loss combination. However, sometimes eating healthy and working out do not work as quickly as you would like.

When that happens, you need a little help to give you a little extra boost. Many people take either supplements or pills to help them lose weight, depending on what their body needs.

Difference Between Pills And Supplements?


Supplements are generally taken in a liquid form and mixed in with a beverage, or they come in a capsule for you to swallow or as powder that you mix into a shake or smoothie.

The supplement provides your body with the vitamins or minerals that your body should already be naturally producing but, for some reason, your body is not producing.

For example, if you get tired easily when you exercise, you may have a potassium deficiency and need to take a potassium supplement. If you do not have enough energy, caffeine supplements can give you that support. The effects of a supplement are very subtle.

Weight Loss Pills

A weight loss, or diet pill, is different than a supplement. It also provides you with natural elements that trigger responses in your body. Typically, you will feel more of an effect using diet pills than a supplement.

For example, if the diet pill is supposed to boost your energy, you will feel the extra energy kick in the right away.

If the pill is supposed to suppress your appetite, you will notice right away that your appetite is suppressed, where as a supplement will help to fill a deficiency in your body.

Benefits of Caffeine Pills For Weight Loss

Using caffeine pills to aid weight loss provide two major benefits. The first is that it boosts your metabolism.

When you ingest caffeine pills, the pills jump start the process of lipolysis in your body, which releases fatty acids into your bloodstream.

This process happens when your body is converting fat into energy. Caffeine gives your metabolism a slight boost and it also helps your body burn off a little extra fat.

The second benefit is that they provide an energy boost. Caffeine is a known stimulant that increases your awareness levels and prevents drowsiness. If you are working out, it will give an energy boost, so you will be able to complete your workout and achieve more.

By completing your workout and giving 100%, you will burn more fat and calories and thus, loss weight more quickly with this extra support.

How To Get That Caffeine Boost

Caffeine works best if you do not already consume large amounts of caffeine. If you consume a lot on a daily basis, you may want to cut back on your consumption before trying out coffee bean pills.

If you do not consume a lot of caffeine, you want to start out with a small amount. A safe amount to ingest to start with is 100 milligrams. If you do not notice an increase in your energy, you can then increase to 200 milligrams.

If you still do not feel the effects, you want to increase your dosage slowly by 50 milligrams until you feel an extra energy boost to be able to increase your workout.

Most people can use caffeine pills without any problem. However, there are certain high risk groups who should avoid them.

If you have heart problems or you have other illnesses or vulnerabilities or you are pregnant then carry out more research or check with your doctor before taking any.

Steer Clear Of Beverages High In Sugar, Calories And Fat

The best way to consume caffeine is either through caffeine pills or through a cup of straight up black coffee.

As a general rule of thumb, a sixteen ounce cup of coffee has between 200 to 350 mg of caffeine and a sixteen ounce cup of tea has about 100 mg of caffeine.

Energy drinks, soda, and other drinks contain caffeine, as well as chocolate. However, these drinks and foods also contain lots of sugar, calories and fat and will not help you lose weight.

Green Coffee Caffeine Pills and Supplements

If you are already eating healthy and working out, but need a little help losing weight, a caffeine pill will suppress your appetite. They will also give you the energy boost you need to give your workouts 100%.

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Konjac Noodles Health Benefits And Where To Buy

The Many Benefits Of Konjac Noodles

Konjac is a yam or tuber found only in Asia. Its root is a rich source of Glucomannan that is a water-soluble dietary fiber that can expand many times its size. When consumers eat this dietary fibre, they feel full due to its expansive nature along with increasing their fiber intake.

Many studies have indicated that their dietary fibre helps in regulating blood sugar and lowering blood pressure. In simple terms, we are talking about being highly beneficial in a natural form with almost zero carbs as it’s almost entirely fibre. It is extremely low in fat, calories and carbohydrates and it won’t be wrong to call it almost free food.

What Are Konjac Noodles?

These noodles are available in two main types, namely plain yam noodles and Tofu Shirataki noodles. The plain yam noodles, also called Shirataki, have a white semi-transparent colour and are mainly made from only the yam flour. On the other hand, Tofu Shiitake also contains tofu that gives these noodles a creamy white and opaque colour. Tofu also adds a few carbohydrates to the mix.

As far as the uses of these noodles are concerned, they are traditionally used for stir fry and soups, but may also be used as an alternative to al dente pasta. While it is true that these noodles can’t replace well-cooked pasta as they have their unique texture, but they can offer an option as a side dish to your weekly menu as many times as you want.

Konjac Glucomannan Health Benefits And Nutrition Facts

The Konjac root is a rich source of a variety of minerals, vitamins and dietary fibres. The most beneficial quality is its high dietary fibre content. It is full of various minerals such as phosphorus, calcium, selenium, iron and potassium. It also contains a variety of essential amino acids as well as polyunsaturated fatty acids.

healthy life

Foods made from Konjac root are great for satiety, which means these make you feel full quickly. In fact, the main ingredient in Konjac foods is Glucomannan, which absorbs enough water to increase up to 200 times its original volume.

Due to this high absorption rate, it makes you feel full quickly. It also has many other benefits such as balancing Salinity, clearing up the intestine, cleaning your stomach, supplementing calcium, and removing toxins from the body.

It also can delay the absorption of glucose in the body, which reduces postprandial blood sugar.

As mentioned above, Glucomannan fibre is the main ingredient in the Konjac root. Glucomannan is a low-fat, low protein and high fibre food and it also contains over 16 types of amino acids.

It helps in lowering blood sugar and LDL cholesterol. Furthermore, Konjac foods not only offer high nutritional benefits, but can help you to lose weight.

Glucomannan fibre also helps in lowering blood sugar and increasing insulin in the body. A number of medical studies have shown that this dietary fibre can help in preventing, treating and controlling diabetes. It is also capable of delaying the retention time of chyme and enhancing the gastrointestinal viscosity.

It helps in reducing and postponing the glucose absorption in the body which inhibits elevation of blood sugar levels by forming a protective layer in the intestine wall. It is also capable of lowering glucose tolerance, improving insulin sensitivity and reducing levels of free fatty acid in the blood. It is an ideal food for diabetics as it helps in lowering blood sugar and improves various symptoms and conditions related to Type II diabetes.

The root of Konjac contains around 5% to 10% protein content. Seven out of the 16 types of amino acids present in Konjac root are essential amino acids, which helps to supplement the body.

This root is also an excellent source of various essential minerals including copper, iron, magnesium, calcium and potassium.

As far as the content of dried crude Konjac flour is concerned, it contains around 49% to 60% glucomannan fibre. The remaining carbohydrates include 5% to 14% crude protein, 2% to 5% insoluble fibre, 3% to 5.3% ash in the form of mineral content, 3% to 5% sugars and 10% to 30% starch.

It is an alkaline food that provides a variety of nutrients to the body. Such as being rich in protein, water, carbohydrates, iron, magnesium, potassium, sodium, lipids, zinc, copper, phosphorus, vitamin C, vitamin B12, vitamin B6, vitamin B2, vitamin B1, vitamin D, vitamin E, vitamin A, fatty acids, niacin, folic acid, pantothenate and dietary fibre.

The demand for Konjac noodles continues to increase due to its numerous positive health benefits.

Here is a list of some of the major benefits of consuming these foods on a regular basis:

  • Helps in controlling the body’s level of blood sugar.
  • Helps in reducing LDL cholesterol.
  • Helps in regulating the gastrointestinal tract.
  • May also help in losing weight.
  • Ideal food for diabetics.
  • Rich in calcium.
  • Alkaline in nature.
  • Helps in reducing the symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome.
  • Also has anti-ageing benefits.

On consuming Konjac foods, the fibre in the food mixes with the water in the stomach and the glucomannan fibre helps in absorbing the bile acid in the stomach. Due to its highly absorbing property, it also helps with weight loss while dieting. It also behaves as a probiotic and contributes to the growth of Lactobacillus bifidus in the intestine.

Konjac Noodles Health Benefits Overview

We have listed some of the many health benefits of Konjac Root Noodles below:


An Ideal food for individuals suffering from diabetes. The glucomannan fibre helps in regulating blood sugar levels in type II diabetes. Since glucomannan has relatively high viscosity when compared to other types of soluble fibres, it may also help in reducing insulin, serum lipid and blood sugar levels after meals.

Control of High Cholesterol

Glucomannan helps in lowering the level of cholesterol by attaching to the bile acids in the digestive system. It helps in removing these bile acids from the body and in the process, it also helps in reducing levels of fat in the blood.

Hyperglycemia and Hypoglycemia

Glucomannan fibre helps in stabilising the levels of blood sugar in the body by becoming a gel in the digestive system that slows down the digestive processes which in turn traps carbohydrates.


shirataki noodles

Due to its high absorbability, it helps in softening the contents of the digestive system and increases the volume of stool that provides relief from constipation.

Weight Loss

As far as the role of glucomannan fibre for weight loss is concerned, it can absorb up to 20 times its weight in water. As it expands in the stomach after ingestion, it promotes the feeling of fullness.

High Blood Pressure

One research study on men’s health has shown that a four-week course of glucomannan supplements led to a decrease in systolic blood pressure.

Possible Food Poisoning Antidote

Some researchers also claim that it may act as an antidote to food poisoning. In a laboratory study, 18 different food products were exposed to various bacteria including Salmonella and E. Coli and these bacteria were allowed to bind to the products.

The sesame seed extract and Konjac gum bounded the largest quantity of bacteria as measured by the levels of bound bacteria in these products. Researchers concluded that glucomannan may be useful in preventing harmful bacteria from entering the host cells. Further claim confirmation is awaiting as these have not been studied so far in a clinical environment.

Where to Buy Konjac Noodles

If you’re looking to buy Konjac noodles, it may not be easy as sourcing locally at this time is difficult. However, some local stores may have this available. There are currently suppliers in Denmark, Ireland, Finland, Norway, Mexico, Sweden, Canada, UK and US.

Konjac noodles are Japanese, which means that you should be able to find these noodles in a local Japanese grocery store. Give them a call or visit them to see if they have them in stock. The Shirataki noodles are considered a Japanese staple diet and you should be able to find these noodles easily at any local Japanese grocer.

The calorie free, carbohydrates free and gluten-free noodles are highly popular as a healthy diet option for reducing calorie consumption and carbs. Various other names for Shirataki include Shirataki noodles or Konnyaku noodles.

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Vegetable Juice Cleanse – Juicing Your Way To A Healthy Weight

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Are you tired of being exhausted? Are you sick of feeling ill? Are you fed up with skin problems and health issues? Do you struggle to lose weight, or keep it off?

These problems, faced by a growing number of people, are caused by a build-up of toxins in your body from your environment and your diet. Read on to discover one of the best natural ways to cleanse your body of toxins, reclaim your health, and lose weight.

The Importance Of Detoxing

In today’s modern world, your body comes into contact with free radicals that damage and age your cells. Chemicals from car exhaust fumes, cosmetics, shower gels and medications are absorbed by the body and build up over time.

What you put in your body also plays a very important role in your health. The sugar, fat and unpronounceable ingredients contained in processed food put your body under a lot of stress. These foods are low in nutrients whilst being high in calories, resulting in a growing number of people who are overfed but undernourished, and suffering from a host of health problems like Type 2 diabetes, obesity, cardiovascular disease and cancer[i].

What Is A Juice Cleanse?

Juice cleanses have become increasingly popular due to the claims they rid the body of toxins and restore the body to better health. The practice involves drinking only fruit or vegetable juices and water for between one and five days. If you’re new to juice cleansing, or plan to cleanse for longer than 3 days, it is recommended that you seek a doctor’s advice prior to starting your detoxing programme.

Your liver plays an important role in detoxing, because it is responsible for filtering and eliminating toxins from the body. For your liver to be able to fulfil this role effectively, it needs easily digestible nutrients and plenty of fluid – what better way to achieve this than to include fresh juices in your diet?

Vegetables vs Fruits

Although fruits are packed with healthy nutrients, and should be part of your diet, fruit juices will not deliver the same weight loss benefits as vegetable juices. Fruits contain a lot of fructose, too much of which can have the same effect as sugar on your body – weight gain and lethargy. Vegetable juices, lower in fructose, will deliver more sustainable levels of energy and weight loss. If you’re worried about the taste, add half an apple or pear to your juice for a little sweetness. As your palate gets reacquainted with natural foods, you’ll find your craving for sweetness reduce dramatically.

Juicing for Weight Loss

If you’re trying to lose weight, adding vegetable juices to your diet can certainly help you achieve your goals.

· Fiber – Juicing vegetables will remove most of the insoluble fiber, in the form of left over pulp in your juicer. The good news is that soluble fiber will still make it into the juice. Soluble fiber helps to balance your blood sugar levels, helping in turn to regulate your appetite[ii]. If you plan to juice cleanse for several days, mix a little of the left over pulp back into your juices, or add some psylium husks, as the insoluble fiber it contains will keep you regular and help with the detoxing process.

· The body stores toxins in your fatty tissue. As your liver begins to flush out these toxins, the fatty tissue is no longer necessary and begins to reduce, resulting in weight loss[iii].

Sustainable Weight Loss

Some popular diets advocate extreme calorie control, or severe restriction of certain food groups. Although these may deliver quick results, these are not sustainable long term. Dieting in this way can cause depression, skin problems, and ironically enough weight gain[iv]. A healthy diet should be one that can be life-long, and not feel like a restriction. After you’ve juice cleansed for your preferred number of days, continue to drink vegetable juices as part of a healthy diet, focusing on wholesome natural foods. When you start including vegetable juices into your diet, your body will start craving the real nourishment it’s receiving, and you’ll find yourself naturally drawn to the most nutritious foods. Juicing vegetables will become part of your healthy lifestyle.

Energy Juice

We need stores of energy to manage all of our activities, and frequently turn to caffeine or sugar for a boost. The unfortunate truth is that both these foods deliver a short burst of energy followed by tiredness and often hunger. Long term, caffeine stops being effective, and an increasingly stronger dose is needed to create the same awakening effect. Energy drinks contain caffeine, sugar or sweeteners, and other additives. Their consumption is linked to hypertension, heart problems, digestive problems and depression[v], prompting some countries, such as Lithuania, France, Denmark and Norway, to ban their sale[vi].

On the other hand, the easily digestible nutrients in vegetable juices give your body a large dose of energy without any unhealthy additives. Wake up with a carrot juice instead of a coffee, or make juices in advance to enjoy mid-morning (you should try to drink your juices as soon as possible after preparing, but storing them in a tightly shut bottle in the fridge will preserve most the nutrients for a few hours).

Immune Boost

Your immune system needs enough vitamins and minerals to help it fight infections and protect the body from diseases. Vitamins A, C, E, B1, B2, B6, B12 and folic acid are essential for a strong immune system. Also important are iron, zinc, magnesium and selenium[vii]. Anti-oxidants, found in fruits and vegetables, strengthen the immune system and are essential for protecting the cells against free radicals.

Nutritional Rainbow

Nature has given us a huge palette of wonderful health giving plants. From kale’s lush green to carrots’ fiery orange, it is truly possible to eat a rainbow every day. The array of colours reflects a wide spectrum of nutrients, and for optimum nutrition you should aim to include as many different vegetables in your diet as possible. Below are just some of the best vegetables for juicing:



Spinach is a good source of iron, which is necessary for red blood cell production. High levels of vitamins A and C make spinach a great immune boosting vegetable.


Kale contains high amounts of vitamin K, essential for blood clotting and maintaining strong bones. It also contains potassium, which helps your cells to absorb nutrients from food, and helps with brain and nerve function.


Courgette is a good source of vitamin B6, a natural anti-depressant[viii] that can help reduce withdrawal symptoms from stimulants. If you’re trying to give up coffee or energy drinks, vitamin B6 can make it easier.


Cucumber is high in B vitamins, which are important for energy and help ease symptoms of anxiety[ix].


Celery is fantastic for juicing because it contains a lot of water. It has a high content of vitamin A, an antioxidant that plays a key role in maintaining healthy skin.



Beetroot will give your juices a vibrant red colour that is guaranteed to uplift your mood. The root contains betaine, a nutrient that reduces your risk of heart disease and stroke[x]. The top leaves can also be juiced, and provide a high dose of vitamin C.


Radishes contain a particular type of antioxidant called sulphoraphane, which has been found to protect against breast cancer[xi].

Red Peppers And Chilli Peppers

Red peppers and chilli peppers contain a compound called capsaicin, which is thought to protect against cancer[xii] and have anti-bacterial properties. It also suppresses hunger and can have a positive effect on weight loss[xiii]. Peppers are also an excellent source of vitamin C.



Carrots contain a high dose of the powerful anti-oxidant beta-carotene, essential for maintaining eye health, and protecting the body against infections.

Sweet Potatoes

Sweet potatoes, yes, you can juice them raw, and you really should too – their high content of beta-carotene and vitamin A make them a powerful immune booster[xiv].

Juicing extras

Adding herbs, spices and superfoods to your juices will maximize their benefits and give your health an extra boost:


Turmeric is an excellent addition to vegetable juicing. Its high content of manganese helps stabilize blood sugar levels[xv].


Ginger contains zinc, which is important for healing and maintaining a healthy nervous system. Ginger also has antiseptic properties, great when you’re fighting a cough or cold.

Garlic Juice

Garlic Juice, though not for the faint hearted, delivers a powerful health kick! When juiced or crushed, garlic releases allicin, which has anti-viral and anti-bacterial properties, and been shown to reduce levels of bad cholesterol. Garlic also contains minerals such as selenium, essential for both heart and brain health[xvi].


Parsley contains a high amount of potassium, which stimulates bowel movements and keeps your body’s fluid levels balanced.


Spirulina is a freshwater algae that has excellent source of vegetarian protein, and contains good amounts of the energy promoting B vitamins. Add this superfood to your morning juice for a burst of energy that’ll keep you going beyond lunchtime.

Juice your Way to Better Health

All you need is a juicer and the desire to live a healthier life, and you can easily make vegetable juicing a part of your daily routine.

Feeding your body high quality, nutrient dense, natural foods will help your body to eliminate toxins. You will experience improved energy levels, better overall health, and weight loss.

Are you ready to take the first steps on your vegetable juicing journey to increase your health and help you lose those extra pounds?


[i] http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/24939238

[ii] http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/10805824

[iii] http://drbenkim.com/toxins-cleansing-detoxing.htm

[iv] http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3174765/

[v] http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/21321035

[vi] http://uk.businessinsider.com/lithuania-bans-energy-drinks-for-minors-2014-11?op=1?r=US; http://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/5753.php

[vii] Holford, Patrick; The Optimum Nutrition Bible; GB, Piatkus Books (2009); page 211-212

[viii] Holford, Patrick; The Optimum Nutrition Bible; GB, Piatkus Books (2009); page 478

[ix] Holford, Patrick; The Optimum Nutrition Bible; GB, Piatkus Books (2009); page 333

[x] Holford, Patrick; The Optimum Nutrition Bible; GB, Piatkus Books (2009); page 136; https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Beetroot

[xi] http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2862133/

[xii] http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/15383218f

[xiii] http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/22634197

[xiv] http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/9042816

[xv] Holford, Patrick; The Optimum Nutrition Bible; GB, Piatkus Books (2009); page 486

[xvi] http://examine.com/supplements/Garlic/

The post Vegetable Juice Cleanse – Juicing Your Way To A Healthy Weight appeared first on The Diet Supplement.

Vitamins That Help You Lose Weight – What Are They And How Do They Work?

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Vitamins can be a wonderful way to boost a healthy regimen that is also centered around a nutritious diet and an active lifestyle.

A myriad of vitamins perform many different functions in the body, so individuals may be confused when faced with choosing the right supplements and vitamins to help with weight loss.

What Types Of Vitamins Help You Lose Weight?

Vitamin D

Vitamin D Is the most notable for weight loss. The recommended daily allowance (RDA) for adults is approximately 600 International Units (IU), but most individuals receive far less than that amount. The body manufactures vitamin D when the skin is exposed to sunlight, but sun exposure has its own risks such as an increased risk of skin cancer and aging.

This vitamin is found in dairy foods, fatty fish and enriched processed foods, but it can also be taken as a supplement. One study showed that postmenopausal women who consumed an abundance of vitamin D experienced more weight loss than those in a control group.

Gamma-Linolenic Acid (GLA)

Gamma-Linolenic Acid (GLA) is found in foods or that can be taken as a supplement. Physicians have studied the weight loss properties of GLA and believe that it works by both increasing metabolism and reducing stress. GLA is found in plant based oils, but is found in significant amounts in evening primrose oil and hemp oil, which can be taken as supplements. The daily limit for adult GLA intake is 3,000 mg per day.

Green Tea Extract

Green tea extract is one of the most popular natural vitamins for weight loss because it adds so many other health benefits, in addition to boosting the metabolism. Green tea can be consumed as a delicious beverage, or it may be taken in supplement form. Green tea contains the polyphenol EGCG which increases metabolism. The caffeine included in the beverage also boosts weight loss by its ability to create heat and burn fat more quickly. The RDA is 270 mg for EGCG and 150 mg for caffeine.

B-Complex Group

Some of the most significant vitamins that help burn fat are in the B-complex group. The B vitamins work in the body as enzymes that mobilize and burn stored energy in food.

Vitamin B-1 (Also Known As Thiamine)

Breaks down carbohydrates and fats and is found in brewer’s yeast, wheat germ, bran, rice and beans. The RDA is about 1.2 mg for adults.

Vitamin B-2 (Also Known As Riboflavin)

Aids in the transport of cellular energy. Found in organ meats, rice, brewer’s yeast, milk, eggs, mushrooms, broccoli, spinach, Brussels sprouts, almonds and whole grains, the RDA for riboflavin is approximately 1.2 mg for adults.

Vitamin B-5

Fatty acids are broken down by vitamin B-5, more commonly known as pantothenic acid. Studies have shown that pantothenic acid may be useful in reducing triglycerides and cholesterol when an adult RDA of 5 mg is consumed.

Coenzyme Q10 (CoQ10)

Helps burn fat and works at the cellular level by boosting the energy in the mitochondria and helping to increase oxygen levels in cells. Its mechanism of action allows muscles to work harder and longer which increases the ability to burn fat.


Choline has received attention and works as a fat emulsifier by using cholesterol to help reduce weight and prevent weight gain. The RDA for choline is about 550 mg and is readily found in eggs, seafood, beef, chicken, turkey and collard greens.


Chromium works in the body by breaking down carbohydrates and fats, and it increases energy which also aids in burning fat. Research has shown that chromium plays a significant role in the utilization of insulin and blood sugar regulation. It is found in grains and cereals, and its adult RDA is 30 mcg.

Why Are Some Vitamins Good For Our Body?

In many circumstances, individuals have difficulty shedding extra pounds because of an imbalance of necessary nutrients in the body. Discovering what vitamins and minerals that are missing in one’s diet and replacing the nutrients can help jump start the body into losing unhealthy weight.

Even though obesity has reached epidemic proportions, many overweight people are surprisingly malnourished. When the body is continually fed “empty” calories, the cells continue to send a message to the brain that nutrients are missing, and the individual continues to be hungry, they eat then gain more weight. Replacing a poor diet with healthy foods and supplements that are packed with nutrients is the first step in halting the cycle of overeating.

Certain vitamins that help burn fat act by increasing the metabolism. Caffeine, polyphenols, and enzymes work in natural foods and supplements by burning energy more quickly, so the body can begin working on eliminating excess stores of fat.

Certain nutrients found in foods and supplements are natural stress reducers. When anxiety levels are high, the brain sends a signal to the body to store fat. Lowering stress inhibits the fat-storing mechanism and allows the body to burn more fat.

What Are The Best Vitamins For Weight Loss?

The B-complex appear to be the best vitamins for weight loss. They work as enzymes to jump start the cells’ metabolic processes and also assist in digestion which helps the body rid itself of unneeded nutrients. The B-complex vitamins produce a feeling of fullness which curbs the appetite resulting in lower food consumption.

Green tea extract seems to be one of the most effective natural vitamins for weight reduction. The metabolic boost and fat burning mechanism found in the chemical makeup of green tea is an effective weapon used in the battle to lose pounds.

Chromium is one of the top nutrients for use in weight loss because of its significant ability to burn fat and increase energy levels.

Taking Vitamins In Natural Form

Many experts assert that the best way to consume vital nutrients is by eating them as they are found in their natural state.

It is often difficult to receive all of the necessary nutrients in the diet because of problems such as availability, personal taste and allergies.

Some individuals also find it difficult to coordinate meals that include all of the necessary vitamins and minerals because of time constraints due to activities such as work and school.

Vitamin Pills And Supplements

Vitamin pills and supplements are often the only reasonable way for some individuals to add missing necessary nutrients to the diet, especially when allergies are present.

However, People looking to lose weight by using supplements need to be very careful to avoid consuming excessive amounts of vitamins and minerals. Capsules and pills that are packed with high amounts of nutrients can be deadly if taken at toxic levels.

Using Vitamins In A Weight Loss Regimen

Studies have shown that certain vitamins and minerals can be effective tools in a weight loss program.

A healthy blend of nutrients that help in attaining a healthy body size can be found in both natural foods and dietary supplements.

If you are looking to take supplements and pills, its best to take the advice by a professional such as a physician or a certified holistic practitioner to avoid any issues.

The post Vitamins That Help You Lose Weight – What Are They And How Do They Work? appeared first on The Diet Supplement.